Friday, August 24, 2012

Efficacy and Benefits of Garlic for Body Health

Benefits of Garlic - Garlic is always identical and relate to herbs that are used every day when you make a healthy food. However, garlic has other benefits besides the main seasoning a dish, that is good for your health. That's because garlic has some substances that are useful for body health such as calcium, protein, fat, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and even vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C is also owned by garlic. For that garlic consumption is very good for our health.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Million Benefits of Green Beans for Health

Million Benefits of Green Beans - All kinds of nuts are a source of natural protein is very good for our bodies. In addition, nuts are one type of food that is rich in natural fiber which helps aid digestion and low in fat. Green beans have a very low calorie content, namely (31kkal/100mg) and contain no saturated fats are not good for our health. Green beans are also rich in vitamins, natural minerals and nutrients that are good for our bodies.

Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Healthy Food For Pregnant Women - Women who are pregnant does require a healthy and nutritious food so the baby is in the mother's stomach is getting enough nutrients for development. Indeed, it looks very heavy, because the mother had to think of two foods at once, which is to his own body and to the baby. For that you must be careful - careful in choosing the food that you will consume, and considering the existing nutrient levels in foods. Here is a list menu of healthy foods for pregnant women that you can consume.